A 24 year old pregnant woman presented with history of headache, continuous seizures, vision loss on left side and left side weakness. Her first symptom was only headache which started one week prior to the admission. When she had headache, she went to local hospital for treatment. She did not get any improvement. Within two days of initial symptoms, she started to have seizures with frequency of one- two episodes per day. So she was admitted in a private hospital and treatment started. But the seizures increased in frequency and she noted that she was having left hemi field vision loss and left side hemiparesis. So she was referred to a government tertiary centre. Even after treatment for four days, her weakness worsened, vision worsened, seizure increased to 10-12 times per day. And she became comatose. At this time bystanders forcefully discharged her and shifted to our hospital. She was admitted under Epileptologist in view of continuous seizures. She had undergone MRI & EEG . Our team started the treatment as per the investigations and diagnosis. She became better within two days and shifted to ward within four days. Within one week of treatment , her vision and weakness improved. After two weeks, she walked happily and discharged from our hospital. Her antenatal scans showed normal fetal growth and now she is happily enjoying motherhood.